Caitlin W
A highly skilled and experienced group facilitator, Caitlin's unique strengths lie in her ability to detect patterns in communication and to bring those patterns to a group's awareness.

For over 30 years Caitlin has been facilitating groups and teaching them to self-facilitate, that is to move from contempt and conflict towards curiosity and quickly to collaborative action. Caitlin works as comfortably in the boardroom as she does with disaffected, violent teenagers and uses her skills to identify and dispel drama at source. But most importantly, she shares those skills so clients can become self-organizing and independent.
As well as working directly with groups and individuals Caitlin designs and delivers large scale culture change and training projects using the process of Systemic Modelling. She trains a diverse group from across the organization in self-coaching tools and then co-devises an intervention with them to create and embed the desired culture. Caitlin trains and delivers projects worldwide and has Clean Language study groups in USA, Russia, Malaysia, Japan and Europe.
Author of ‘From Contempt to Curiosity – Creating the conditions for groups to collaborate – with Clean Language and Systemic Modelling’
Co-author of ‘#Drama Free Workbook’ Creating #drama free conversations - along with Marian Way
As well as a series of academic papers and chapters, induction manuals, DVD’s and CD-ROM and programs.
Caitlin is an Executive and Career Coach and Organisational Development Consultant. Co-designing and facilitating a wide range of culture change projects. Engaging stakeholders at all levels and in all sectors including:
Board level directors, national and international senior teams, universities, police, and at-risk young people.Direct responsibility for facilitation of shared organisational outcomes, conflict resolution, client relationship, quality assurance, contract negotiation, research and evaluation.
Caitlin is a regular guest and conference speaker.
- ICF Europe and Russia
- Agile Alliance – Europe and USA
- ILM – Manchester Conference
- Association of Science Education Conference – Birmingham
- NLP Northern Conference and London
- Clean Language Community London Conference
- British Psychological Society Conference London
- Metaphorum
Coaching style
Caitlin's coaching style is professional, friendly and subtle. Caitlin has a high ability to detect patterns in her coachees’ behaviour, speech and thinking and to subtly bring these into their awareness. She pays exquisite attention to her clients, listening for shift changes, creating the context for threshold changes and holding clients to account for their outcomes and their actions.
Awarded as a centre for the accreditation of Coaching and Mentoring through the Institute of Leadership and Management
- Systemic Modelling Facilitator
- Clean Language Facilitator
- Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring at Work ILM
- Certified Trainer of Neuro- Linguistic Programming
- NLP Master Practitioner
- MPhil Strategies for Lexical Access, School of Oriental and African Studies
- BA Hons in Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies London
- PhD in Clean Language Interviewing as a Research Methodology - Liverpool John Moores University
- ICF PCC – Application Pending
Coaching philosophy
“The seeds to any change a client requires to go through, are contained in the problems they arrive with. A coach pays exquisite attention not only to what their coachees say but also to how they present themselves and to how they are approaching new challenges. Through open ‘clean’ questions the coach’s role is to direct the coachees attention to see more clearly what is already there and then to widen, deepen and to alter their inquiry into their problems and their outcomes. From this place they reach new insights, new innovations and develop home-grown solutions, that means they leave the coaching session able to do things differently while maintaining their integrity. My experience is that people are able to change remarkably and effortlessly when all of their faculties are engaged and when we make the most of their experience and expertise in the change process.”